Planning a baby

In the same way that athletes train their bodies to prepare for the demands of a marathon, preparing your body for pregnancy will help improve the chances of having a healthy pregnancy, baby and recovery. You can find out how to prepare for pregnancy to give yourself the best chance of conceiving on the NHS website.
Below are some key things you can do to get your body ready for pregnancy. There are also links to services in Lincolnshire who can support you along the way. Start4Life offer advice for partners too, read what they have to say by clicking this link.
One You Lincolnshire can support you with this. There is also information on the NHS website.
Find out about the support you can get to stop smoking.
The NHS website has more information about this. Tommy's also provide information on pre pregnancy diet.
One You Lincolnshire can support you with this. There is also information on the NHS Website.
Find out more about being active for and during pregnancy.
The NHS website has information about this. You can also speak with your GP or pharmacist for advice.
Speak to your GP to check that you are up to date with vaccines.
Looking after your emotional wellbeing is important.